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Videos ENG
Children_s Involvement in Distance Education.mp4
Ethical Considerations.mp4
Preparation of the learning environments.mp4
Selection of platforms for children_ss well being_video1.mp4
Selection of platforms for children_ss well being_Video2.mp4
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Videos PT
1. Children_s Involvement in Distance Education -- Envolvimento das Crianças na Educação a Distância -- PT.mp4
2. Preparation of the Learning Environments -- Preparação dos Ambientes de Aprendizagem -- PT.mp4
3. Selection of Platforms for Children’s Well-being (part 1) -- Seleção de Plataformas para o Bem-Estar das Crianças (1.ª parte) -- PT.mp4
4. Selection of Platforms for Children’s Well-being (part 2) -- Seleção de Plataformas para o Bem-Estar das Crianças (2.ª parte) -- PT.mp4
5. Distance Education Tools -- Ferramentas de Educação a Distância -- PT.mp4
6. Communication and Relationship in the Distance Education Process -- Comunicação e Relacionamento na Educação a Distância -- PT.mp4
7. Parents_Carers Role Supporting their Child -- Papel das Famílias no Apoio às Crianças na Educação a Distância -- PT.mp4
8. Ethical Issues and Involvement -- Questões Éticas e Envolvimento -- PT.mp4
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Videos TR
Etik konular ve katılım.mp4
İlgi ve dikkat.mp4
Öğrenme Ortamlarının Hazırlanması.mp4
Platform Seçimi - 1.mp4
platform seçimi - bölüm 2.mp4
Uzaktan eğitim araçları.mp4
Uzaktan Eğitimde iletişim.mp4
Uzaktan Eğitimde Veli desteği.mp4
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Video DE
1. Children_s Involvement in Distance Education GER SUB.mp4
2. Preparation of Learning Environments GER SUB.mp4
3. Selection of platforms for children_ss well being part1 GER SUB.mp4
4. Selection of platforms for children_ss well being part2 GER SUB.mp4
5. Distance education tools GER SUB.mp4
6. Communication GER SUB.mp4
7. Supporting parents GER SUB.mp4
8. Ethical Considerations_GER SUB.mp4
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Videos LV
1. Children_s Involvement in Distance Education - Audzēkņu iesaistīšana attālinātajā mācību procesā LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
2. Preparation of the Learning Environments - Mācību vides sagatavošana LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
3. Selection of platforms for children_ss well being_Part 1 - Platformu izvēle audzēkņu labklājībai_1.Daļa LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
4. Selection of platforms for children_ss well being_Part 2 - Platformu izvēle audzēkņu labklājībai_2.Daļa LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
6. Communication and Relationship in the Distance Education Process - Komunikācija un attiecības attālinātajā mācību procesā LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
7. Supporting parents - Atbalsts vecākiem LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
8. Ethical Issues and Involvement - Ētikas jautājumi un iesaistīšanās LATVIAN SUBTITLES.mp4
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Videos IT
1aParte_Selezione di piattaforme per il benessere dei bambini.mov
2aParte_Selezione di piattaforme per il benessere dei bambini.mov
Coinvolgere i bambini nell_educazione a distanza.mov
Considerazioni etiche.mov
Preparazione degli ambienti di apprendimento.mov
Sostenere i genitori.mov
Strumenti per l_educazione a distanza.mov